Retirement meeting

PEMÜ Műanyagipari Zrt. considers it important to preserve relations and revive common experiences, therefore, in accordance with its tradition, it held its Retirement Meeting on 09. October, 2021.

The meeting was cancelled last year due to the pandemic, so perhaps the participants were even more happy that this could happen again this year and that they could commemorate the decades they spent at PEMÜ together.

In recent years, the company has been able to learn about many events from old times, stories about work, struggles and friendships decades ago, but one thing they all have in common is the love that storytellers remember about those times.

The popularity of the Retirement Meeting is evidenced by the fact that nearly 200 retirees have attended the event with great enthusiasm even after many, many years to meet former colleagues and rejoice together in the company’s success.

The atmosphere at the meeting was provided by the Hot Jazz Band.