PEMÜ – Poliuretán habosítás

Polyurethane foaming

PEMÜ Műanyagipari Zrt. has more than 5 decades of technological experience in plastic mould foaming. The production is supported by robots and up-to-date basic machinery in every machine category. Digitalized production processes make it possible to simultaneously monitor and stabilize the production process.

The various products are made in production cells from soft, semi-rigid, hard or integral foams, in different sizes and shapes (natural, coloured or varnished) within energy saving, high-or low-pressure manufacturing cells that operate with precise repeatability.  It is possible to process a wide variety of commodity- and special technical purpose foams at the polyurethane (PUR) foaming plants with the development assistance and technical support of raw material producers.

As a result of many decades of experience it is possible to create layers of polyurethane on metal, wood and plastic too.

Colouring of raw materials, the use and selection of additives and fillers are made possible by the conditions in the manufacturing environment.

The company’s experiences in manufacturing are supported by its decade long partnerships. The company specializes mainly in large series production of different foam systems and as a consequence of that most of its supplier relationships have formed within the automotive, furniture, household appliance and machine industries.

PEMÜ Zrt has its own product line made by using foaming technology out of which memory pillows and mattresses are the most significant.

With its high-level engineering support, the company has experience in performing complex manufacturing tasks from production planning to mass production, including participation in tool design and manufacturing and also the selection of raw materials.

Parts are measured at PEMÜ Zrt.’s accredited laboratory with the help of calibrated measuring instruments.

PEMÜ Zrt. is manufacturing and ensuring the quality of its products according to the most recent quality standards (IATF 16949:2016, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 50001:2018), confirmed by certificates obtained during audits.

  • Product sizes: custom sizes up to 2 meters in length
  • Product weight: From 10 grams to 10 kilograms
  • Supplementary processes: punching, packaging